There is no “I” in team

Everyone has heard the phrase above countless times, but what does it mean for sales?

I will let you in on a little secret of MultiView’s success as the number one digital publisher for association branded, business to business content. We do everything in teams.

1. Everyone stays accountable.

MultiView has goals, just as any business, for the revenue needed in order to grow. Each floor and team contributes directly to daily, monthly and yearly sales numbers. Leaders keep teams and individuals accountable by making sure they obtain the revenue we need. Each team lead watches the number of calls made and the length of the conversations of each team member and potential clients to gage representative performance. This keeps the representatives “on their toes” and prevents them from coasting by on a mediocre sales number.

2. Everyone stays motivated.

In sales, it is very easy to get discouraged. Everyone has days where all they hear is “no”. Team leads help their reps when they get discouraged by listening to their calls with clients to offer suggestions on their pitch. Also, it is always good to know that you are not alone in your defeat. The camaraderie that comes with a team inspires representatives to not give up on the sale.

3. Competition drives sales.

Everyone benefits from a little healthy competition. Floors want to sell the most in the company, teams want to be the best on the floor, sales representatives want to be the best in their team, girls want to be better than boys; the list could go on forever. Competition inspires people to rise to the occasion for recognition, reward and individual satisfaction. This is a win- win situation for MultiView. The company reaps the benefits of a great competition’s results in sales and the individual representative benefits from the commission and/or sales incentive from the contest.

4. It’s fun.

Each team has a name which is proudly represented by each member. At MultiView, after every representative makes a sale, they send out an email with the amount of the sale and their team name and logo. This little bit of bragging helps the representative’s confidence, builds cohesion, promotes team spirit and lets everyone in the company know what team is ruling the floor at the time.